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Spontaneous & Skill Building Workshop

Two Dates | Two Locations

Registration for teams is on a first come basis.

Space is limited in each time slot to 6 teams for Spontaneous and 6 teams for Skill Building

If selecting both the Spontaneous and Skill Building Workshops, be sure to select a different time for each workshop

All registrations are final and non-refundable

1:15 pm and 3:00 pm

Graland Country Day Sch, Denver

November 15th – Registration Opens

November 30th - Registration Closes & Payment Due 


9:00 am and 10:45 am

Werner Elementary, Fort Collins

January 6th – Registration Opens 7 PM
January 15th - Registration Closes

January 20th - Payment Due 

Spontaneous Workshop

Division I, II, and III Teams - Teams and coaches will rotate through two 45-minute spontaneous sessions to learn, practice and develop spontaneous skills. One session will be Hands On problems and the other session will be Verbal-Hands On & Verbal problems. Two 90-minute workshops will be available and the fee is $30.  


Skill Building Workshop

Division I, II, and III Teams - Six different skill building sessions will be available at each time slot and teams will choose two to attend. A description of each session is below. Each 45 minute skill building session is designed to enhance teams' skills in theater, comedy, use of recycled materials and more. Two identical 90 minute workshops will be available on each date and the fee is an additional $30. Important - Remember to select 2 Skill Building sessions from the same time slot when registering your team. Please note not all sessions are available on both dates. 

Beyond Cardboard & Paint

Paint on cardboard or linen sheets is two-dimensional and often a staple of any team’s solution. But what if some of their backdrop, props or costumes had 3-dimensional elements? Teams will expand their creativity to transform style elements from 2D to 3D. Teams will create style elements using a variety of common household materials to bring their creativity to life!

Just imagine if the car prop in your team performance was actually made up of team members! Incorporating movement into performances can take a creative performance to the next level! Team members will let loose and let their imaginations soar in this workshop designed to get teams moving!

Creativity on the Move!

Happy? Sad? Old? Young? City? Mountains? Team members will learn and incorporate different emotion, character types or event setting using tone of voice, visual cues, movement and acting. Team members will then guess the emotion, the character type or event being portrayed.

Emoticons & Pantomime

Exit...Stage Right

In this fun experiential activity, team members will say goodbye to those "butt" performances and learn the different parts of the stage, blocking, upstaging and theatrical terms to enhance their overall quality of their performance (a scored element for all problems), then act out an improv scenario incorporating stage presence and movement.

Fastening, Cutting, Fixtures & Templates

Tired of duct tape and bailing wire? There are many more ways to connect materials together. In this session, participants will learn the benefit of creating, designing and using fixtures and templates, plus different methods for cutting and fastening. This workshop will get the creative juices flowing as the team members explore how to safely cut things apart and stick them back together.

Once Upon A Time

All teams will present their solution in the form of an 8 minute skit or performance. In this fun session, team members will learn and practice techniques to telling a story and writing a script. Teams will work together to create characters and complete creative writing exercises that they can use when writing and developing their long-term performance script! 

Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle

Time to look at that recycle items with a whole new mindset! Come explore typical recycled items and learn how to see their form, fit and function plus how SCAMPER (substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put to other uses, eliminate parts and reorganize) will help you create props, scenes elements, costumes & more. 

Working With PVC Pipe

Fixed, movable, long, short, connectors, straight….learn the different ways to work and build with PVC pipe. Teams will build different devices with PVC pipe, learn different decorating techniques and where they can find PVC other than home improvement stores.

Step 1: Registration

All registrations are for a team (not individual team members), are final and non-refundable. The registration button will be available on Monday, January 6th at 7 pm.

Step 2: Submit Payment

After completing Step 1, please visit the Shop menu to submit payment. 

Colorado Odyssey

Ft. Collins, CO

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Colorado Odyssey has been a Chartered Association of Odyssey of the Mind since 1983 and is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.


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